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AMT 22 AutoMag (149c)
AMT 22 AutoMag (149c) Quantity in Basket: None
Code: AMT_149c
Price: $68.00
Shipping Weight: 0.20 pounds
Select SOLID color ($10). Natural Ivory is no extra cost. For pearl effects, use PEARL option instead (Ivory = default)

Translucent/Pearl ($16 option). Do NOT select both SOLID and PEARL. (Pearl over-rides solid color choice)

Add a medallion ($14/pr):
Optional note:
Are you sending a tracing?:
YES! I want to assure proper size/shape. Tombstone is responsible for fit to tracing. Tracing will show hole pattern. **************************************
NO. I will be responsible if I choose the wrong size grip. I will measure my gun and compare to the listed specs. If I order a grip that is the wrong size or shape, I agree that it is NOT returnable. *****************************************************
I already mailed a tracing BEFORE I placed this order.
22 AutoMag 22 AutoMag
This set of grips fits the Arcadia Machine & Tool (AMT) .22 Magnum AutoMag pistol, one of two semi-autos that could fire the .22 WRM cartridge. There is a short frame model also, but I don't have a mold for the grips for that one yet. This fits the longer barrel versions with the longer grip frame, per the dimensions shown. IF YOUR GUN HAS A GRIP SHORTER THAN 3.7 INCHES, THESE ARE NOT GOING TO FIT IT.

The original grips were hollow shells. These are solid, and require a shallow L-shaped groove in the right-hand grip back to clear the trigger bar and pins. If you make the groove too small in any direction it will probably stop the trigger from working, so just increase the width and depth slightly until the hammer will release reliably. Use a small flat end-mill or rotary bit in a Dremel tool or similar rotary tool. A little "Magic Marker" ink on the pin tips and edges of the moving parts will show you where, on the grip back, to remove a little more material. The amount of work is minimal, usually takes about 10 minutes to get it perfect. No problem if you cut it a little too wide or long -- the original grips had the entire insides hollowed out! These will be far stronger, of course.

The grip kit uses the original screws which come with the gun. At the time of this writing you can get replacement parts from High Standard.

Note: even though this grip has grip-grooves on it, it still looks great with aztec gold or light blue or violet-blue pearl! The flat areas are large enough to let the swirls and patterns show, unlike checkered grips.

Grip size:
  • Vertical height = 3.7 inches
  • Hole spacing on left grip center to center = 2.85 inches
  • Hole spacing on right grip center to center = 3.05 inches
  • Bottom edge to bottom hole center (both) = .35 inches
  • Width across the middle = 1.5 inches
  • Grip thickness = aprox. 1/4 inch
back of right grip showing relief you need to make Extra aged ivory

(Side note: the one in my collection didn't work reliably until I sent it to High Standard (the new owners of the brand at the time) and had them work on it. When it returned, it was an extremely reliable handgun if used with the proper brand of 22 mag ammo. AMT made innovative designs but sometimes failed to execute quality control; my experience with several models shows that they can be very reliable when the various little burrs, mis-fit parts, and such are fixed.)

Dave Corbin
Stock items (medallions, screws, specials) usually ship within 10 days.
I can't promise a specific ship date, as it will vary with circumstances.
Depending on the time of year and number of orders pending, average time to finish a grip order is 30 to 90 days. That's average, not a guarentee. They are all individually made to your specific order.

If you do not have time to wait then you may want to consider not ordering. I can only produce quality grips if I take the time necessary to finish your order

Be SURE to read the TERMS of SALE page, so you KNOW what you are getting.

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