AMT 380 Backup Stag
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Code: AMT_153f
Price: $75.00
Shipping Weight: 0.15 pounds
This is a grip kit for the AMT .380 Backup pistol, featuring stag horn pattern. The grip can be ordered with or without installed 2-56 screw kit installed. If you wish to use the original factory screws (2) indicate that you do not want the screws installed. The holes will be drilled for you and the screw kit sent in a little bag in case you want to install it later. The gun can be used with two screws that thread into the frame, or one smaller screw that passes through the frame and uses a nut press fit into one of the grip panels which is part of the screw mount kit.
Here are the dimensions for this grip:
- Grip width, both top and bottom, not including the rounded corners but measured across the width = 1.5 inches.
- Grip height, measured at 90 degrees to the base straight up to the top edge = 2.5 inches.
To keep the grip firmly positioned on the gun, two grip spacers are provided. Lightly sand the edges to make them fit snugly into the frame cutouts on the grip frame. Wipe Vasoline on the gun frame and position one grip panel on the frame with the grip screw. Put 5-minute epoxy glue on the back of one spacer. Press the spacer firmly on the back of the grip panel, through the grip frame, so the spacer is properly aligned in the cut out space and attaches to the back of the grip. After the epoxy sets, remove this panel and do the same with the other one.
Wait at least 24 hours before firing the gun with the new grips installed. You want to make sure that the 5-minute epoxy is fully cured, not just cured enough to hold the spacer. If recoil should break the epoxy bond loose, it means the spacer or back of the grip was not cleaned of all fingerprint oils, and other film contamination. Use acetone to wipe the back of the grip clean, and do the same with the spacer. The epoxy should stick firmly and resist recoil when this is done. If you want to insure that the spacer is secure, drill a couple of small holes through the spacer and half way through the back of the grip (be sure to block the drill bit so it can't possibly penetrate through the grip panel). Then put a cut-off brad or a small dowel pin in the hole. It should be a firm press fit. A drop of epoxy glue on the end will help lock it in the hole in case it is not quite large enough for a tap-in, press fit.
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