AMT .380 Backup Check. (4c)
Quantity in Basket:
Code: AMT_4c
Price: $68.00
Shipping Weight: 0.20 pounds
This is a factory-style checkered grip kit for the AMT .380
Backup pocket pistol. The grips can use either the two screws
which come with the gun, or a No.2 grip screw kit can be
provided or installed if you prefer. The frame is tapped
for the factory screws, but the same hole passes through
the frame and there is nothing in the path to prevent the
use of a single 2-56 screw to secure both grips to each
other rather than using the frame threads.
You can check the button above to determine which mounting
method you would like to use. The backs of the grip panels
are flat, but you will need to lightly relieve a small area
at the top of the right panel, and secure two raised panels
to the back of each grip with 5-minute epoxy glue (the spacer
panels fit into recesses in the gun frame and keep the
grip from turning).
When removing the grips, handle the gun carefully (it should of
course be unloaded) to prevent the trigger from being
released and the trigger spring from flying out. A link
bar is held in place on the right side of the gun frame by the
right grip. A pin on this bar fits a hole in the back of
the trigger. The trigger is pushed forward by a small
coil spring. If the link is allowed to lift outward from
its position, as it might with the right grip removed, the pin
on the end of the link could release the trigger and allow it
to move forward under spring pressure far enough to pop
out of the frame and release the spring.
The dimensions of the grips are:
- Length of front edge = 2.49 inch
- Length of top edge = 1.42 inch
- Approximate thickness of grips = 0.150 inch
- Screw hole center to rear edge = 0.30 inch
- Screw hole center to bottom edge = 1.29 inch
- Thickness of spacer blocks = 0.051 inch
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