Ruger GP100f/SP101 Panels (79b)
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Code: Ruger_79b
Price: $68.00
Shipping Weight: 0.20 pounds
The Ruger GP100 with fixed sights uses this grip panel
insert, as do several other Ruger firearms (SP101, for
Be SURE to check the size and shape! Do not simply order by
looking at the GP100 model number alone. There are two
different sizes of grip insert panels. Some GP100's use
the smaller panel and some use the larger one, which I list
separately under the GP101. I don't know what you have: you
can see it. Just compare size to avoid getting the wrong one!
To determine if your gun uses this size,
check your existing grip panel measurements against these:
- Height, center of top through screw hole to base: 2-1/8 inch.
- Width, across through screw hole: 1-1/16 inches.
- Height, center of top to center of base: 2 inches
- Width, across through screw hole: 1-1/16 inches.
- Location of screw hole from front (trigger side) edge: 19/32 inch.
- Height of screw hole at 90-degress from base: 1-7/8 inches.
There is a 1/2-inch OD x 1/8-inch deep locating hole with
a center positioned 1/2-inch from the base, and 3/8-inch from the back
edge. This leaves about 3/32 of an inch from the rear edge
of the locating hole to the rear edge of the grip panel.
The original grip panels have a large mounting screw with a
very large ferrule, which covers too much of the panel. These
panels use a 0.2 inch diameter ferrule and nut, with a
stainless steel screw. This is more than strong enough
to hold the grips and panels on the gun, without covering
up so much of the decorative panel surface.
These panels are smooth, not checkered. You can buff and polish
them to a high finish with a buffer or wet and dry abrasive
paper. They look especially nice with pearl, opal and other
sparkling or color-shifting materials, in contrast with the
black rubber grip body.
Please Note:
As with all Tombstone Grip Kits, these inserts are semi-finished
so that you may wish to (a) polish them and/or (b) sand them to a
different thickness, or sand to make them identical thickness.
The grip panel inserts NORMALLY don't need much finishing
or sanding. But they are specifically sold as kits, rather
than 100% finished. So if you want a higher polish or a different
thickness, it should be clearly understood that this is up to
you to do. Now that I've covered that, it's a fact that few people do more than buff the inserts
a little, if that.
Related Item(s)
Ruger GP101/GP100a panels (135b)
Ruger GP100f/SP101 Factory (71c)