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Firestar M45 Factory (73d)
Firestar  M45 Factory (73d) Quantity in Basket: None
Code: Star_73d
Price: $68.00
Shipping Weight: 0.20 pounds
Select SOLID color ($10). Natural Ivory is no extra cost. For pearl effects, use PEARL option instead (Ivory = default)

Translucent/Pearl ($16 option). Do NOT select both SOLID and PEARL. (Pearl over-rides solid color choice)

Select medallions ($14):
Optional note:
Are you sending a tracing?:
YES! I want to assure proper size/shape. Tombstone is responsible for fit to tracing. Tracing will show hole pattern. **************************************
NO. I will be responsible if I choose the wrong size grip. I will measure my gun and compare to the listed specs. If I order a grip that is the wrong size or shape, I agree that it is NOT returnable. *****************************************************
I already mailed a tracing BEFORE I placed this order.
  Check if you want spacer material
This grip fits the Star Firestar 45 caliber autoloader ofcurrent manufacture. The original hasraised areas which are more important with the soft rubber and thin metal reinforcement than on the rigidTombstone material. You can leave those off and cut thegrooves and relief that let the grip clear raised pointson the gun. If you want to add the raised spacers anyway,just check the box and I will send some flat material you can easily cut and sand to fit, then glue to the backwith 5-minute epoxy. Instructions come with the grips foreasy ways to do this. I offer this grip because peopleask me to, but it does require quite a bit more time tofit to your gun. I would estimate about an hour to getit fitted properly.

VERY IMPORTANT: There is an almostbut not quite identical grip for Model 40 and Model 43 (40 and 9mm)! Be VERY sureof which grip you order: SEND A TRACING that clearly shows the location of the mounting hole. If you don't,there is a 50-50 chance you'll order the wrong grip.

The approximate size of the M45 (45 caliber) grip is:
  • Height measured 90-degrees from base to top: 2-3/4 inch.
  • Width across base: 1-3/4 inch.
  • Width across top: 2-1/8 inch.
  • Center of mounting hole to base: 0.40 inch
  • Center of mounting hole to front edge: 0.8695 inch
  • Screw hole head diameter: 0.2875 inch
  • Screw hole minor diameter: 0.150 inch

Please note that this grip has a stippled area at the top and borders, around the checkered panel. The 9mm andthe 40 caliber grips have nearly all the grip checkered.The difference in size is subtle: the 45 grip is largerbut not very much.

There is a fair amount of reliefwork to be done on the back, so you will need a Moto-toolor similar rotary hand-held tool to finish the grips.

One screw per grip, which comes with the gun, holds eachpanel to the gun. At the top of the grip, there is asmall tab that slips into a notch and holds the top inplace. But the grips can also be held by a combination of thesingle screw and a thin spacer block, sanded to fit in the frame cut-out, and epoxy glued to the back of thegrip.

Material to make these two blocks (one for each grip) isprovided with the grips if you want it (check the box). Screws are not provided as theseare available from the manufacturer of the gun and theymust match the threads of the gun frame. Original gripsmade of rubber have a strip of metal embedded at the top,which fits into a notch in the frame. If you wish, youcan use a piece of shim stock and cut a bit of metal todo the same, routing a shallow cut in the back of the gripto hold the strip and securing it with epoxy glue or a short screw. Again, the single screw will hold the gripon the gun, but either a tab or a spacer needs to be usedto keep the grips securely aligned.

It's not a hard job to makethe necessary relief cuts, but there are a few more of them than on some pistol grips. All Tombstone grips arecast in molds with a flat back (which is the top of themold, you see -- the liquid polyurethane resin doesn't know how to stand up above the flat plane). Raised spacers arenot a problem as they are fairly easy to align and attachwith a dab of 5-minute epoxy. Relieved areas are onlya problem if you don't have a rotary hand tool (such asthe famous Moto-tool or Dremel) or access to a small highspeed milling machine. They need to be made with the gun handy, so you can dorepeated trys and mark the high spots, remove them, try again,until you get a perfect fit. A little more materialremoved doesn't hurt. Great craftsmanship doesn't show anyway, so you don't have to be neat (itis on the back of the grip, after all). But it does takesome patience. If you are in short supply, better not order these.

 FireStar 45 grips backs FireStar 45 grips

Related Item(s)
Code Name Price Availability  
Star_74c Firestar M40, M43 checkered (74c) $68.00  
Star_74d Firestar M45 smooth (74d) $68.00  
Star_44e Star M. 1922 Smooth (44e) $68.00  
Star_44f Star Super smooth (44f) $68.00  
Star_41e Star Super Checkered (41e) $68.00  

Dave Corbin
Stock items (medallions, screws, specials) usually ship within 10 days.
I can't promise a specific ship date, as it will vary with circumstances.
Depending on the time of year and number of orders pending, average time to finish a grip order is 30 to 90 days. That's average, not a guarentee. They are all individually made to your specific order.

If you do not have time to wait then you may want to consider not ordering. I can only produce quality grips if I take the time necessary to finish your order

Be SURE to read the TERMS of SALE page, so you KNOW what you are getting.

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